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El Rosario Construction Crew

Baja Missions

Grateful with God and this amazing group from Madison Church of Christ. In a matter of days, working amidst some angry bees, this team took a concrete pad and turned it into a house.

What a great gift for a sweet lady. The new home owner, Dalia had been lived in a trailer. It leaked and eventually, she had to relocate to live with her sister in a space that was not big enough for all of them. Dalia met Alicia, Fredy's wife, who invited her to church. Daila not only came to church, but her family started attending church resulting in three baptisms so far!

With the generosity of some people and the labor of this mission team, Dalia and her son now have a new home. The team was able to construct the house in 3 days, even working with the nuisance of a group of bees who decided they also wanted a new home. Thanks to you all for your part in making a difference in the lives of those in El Rosario.


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