Summer groups have begun in Baja! Our first group was from Brentwood Hills Church, and they worked with the Papalote Church where they sponsor in Baja. We celebrated the Grand Opening of Camp Baja on Sunday, June 4th with over 500 people from many Baja churches attending. We had lunch, games and fellowship with many. We witnessed 3 people who were baptized into Christ!
We conducted Medical, Dental and Optometrist Clinics for while also building a home for the Sanchez family of 12. Many home visits were made as well as 2 school visits. Each night at the Papalote church Walt Leaver shared the power of the gospel with over 200 in attendance.Fabian and a young man Angel were baptized on Monday.
Glory to God for a great week!
Vaughn Park in La Mision
A group from Vaughn Park spend the week in La Misión, they worked extending the patio out to the retaining walls in the back of the church building, build shutter doors and some paint work..
They take lunch to the elementary school and their staff, cooked for the police and fire departments, painted the house of a woman who had recently lost her husband very unexpectedly; picked up trash on the main road around the church building and down the hill to the elementary school.
They were even able to work in a cooking class where Martha taught them how to make tortillas.
A week full of blessings.
Woodland Trace in Baja
Woodland Trace Church of Christ in Alabama is a long-time sponsor of the San Vicente Church in Baja. Sunday they had church with the San Vicente family and then spent time together preparing for the week. Each day they did some manual labor but our most important time was spent in fellowship with the San Vicente church and encouraging the preachers family and the members.
Each night they had a different theme that they talked through with the church followed by volleyball, a bonfire, and roasting marshmallows.
They had a devotional night on Bible study, a study on prayer, they took the youth group to serve af a sisters house by building her shutters to protect her from the wind and the dust, followed by attending a basketball game in town to cheer on a member and then taco stand. they took the youth to play kickball, had a big spaghetti dinner with the church, devotionals, played games, and more bonfire.
They had a wonderful time growing closer to our brothers and sisters in the Baja.